Mission Statement:

Life's Silver Lining Mission Statement:

* a safe place for women to come together as a community to spur one another on in our daily walk with the Lord,
* to create a space to become inspired,
* to create space for support, and
* take on new territories for our lives.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1st Scripture Memorization

One and a half days until summer is official!  If you and yours have reached vacation mode, I am a godly jealous!  For three weeks now I have struggled finding true, uninterrupted time to be with God and read His Word.  This has put a damper on my Spirit.  Big time.  If it wasn't getting my family ready for a trip to southern Germany, it's been triathlon training, end of year school needs, paperwork, errands, so on and so on.  I have been a creature of habit. With my routine getting out of sync, re-prioritizing hasn't happened easily. I have been neither an early bird or a night owl lately, so that's been out.  The good news...God continues to draw me near.  He is longing for me as much, if not more, than I long for Him.  He is graciousFull of compassion. (Isaiah 30:18, Feb. verse!)  For this I am thankful.  I hope you have been a better steward of your time lately.  With all this being said, I long for regaining my intimacy with Him....come on summer, come on!!

Without further to do, let's talk radical empowerment.  Memorizing Scripture.  We are at the half way point, Sisters!!!  Need motivation?  How about GNO...a girls night out with food and fellowship?  A half day at the spa?  If there is enough of us we can qualify for a major discount at Lake Austin Spa?  Or, how about taking a road trip to Houston to celebrate with fellow Sisters and The Living Proof Live Ministry (aka Beth Moore). To qualify we must keep up the good work and memorize, memorize, memorize!  This discipline has been my savings grace! Let's get out those spirals!! Do share and spur one another on.  Your loyalty will be uplifted.

Psalm 25:20-21
"Guard my life and rescue me; let me not be put to shame for I take refuge in You.  May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in You".

1 comment:

  1. Great encouragement as I eagerly wait with you for summer to be here! I love June's verse and the promise we have from God to guard us & to never be put to shame as we hope, trust, and love Him!
