Mission Statement:

Life's Silver Lining Mission Statement:

* a safe place for women to come together as a community to spur one another on in our daily walk with the Lord,
* to create a space to become inspired,
* to create space for support, and
* take on new territories for our lives.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mid-October Memory Verse...

I hope you are experiencing the cooler temperatures outside with great joy. Maybe seeing things a little differently, a little lighter, in the wonders of His beautiful and marvelous creation. Maybe your furry friends are more spunky than usual, your children, or those in your neighborhood are finally elated to be outside running around until dinner hour, then out again, before bathing. Such bliss to be had here, in Central Texas, come fall time.

Here is my memory verse. Stay in the game, sweet friends! There is so much to be gained by armoring our minds with the word of God! He is our Victory! day in and day out!

I Thessalonians 5:23. May God, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.

Choose to be Blessed...

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