Mission Statement:

Life's Silver Lining Mission Statement:

* a safe place for women to come together as a community to spur one another on in our daily walk with the Lord,
* to create a space to become inspired,
* to create space for support, and
* take on new territories for our lives.

Friday, November 4, 2011

When we waver or question God...

We all have times of trial, doubt, unbelief, and questioning. We find ourselves at a crossroad when these thoughts rear up within us. We can choose to waller in it as my granny would say; staying stagnant in the mindset of the why me?, why this?, why now?, etc. or we can choose the godly way; and look inside His Word for answers.

Deuteronomy 32:4 says,
He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
       and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
       upright and just is he.

Instead of the why, who, what, when, and where mindset...let's opt for giving Him thanks in these unexpected, inconvenient, tiresome, hard times and circumstances and ask Him to reveal his perfect works to us so that we can see with our human eyes and hearts His ways are just, purposeful, and upright.

An example I can share with you is I recently trained and was looking forward to a 45 mile bike ride to support my family members and the LiveStrong cancer foundation that raises funds and awareness. This ride was a goal that I looked forward to for six months. Four days before the race, I fell and injured my right foot. Although I thought instantly it was broken, I laid there on all fours out in the garage, no one home, and said I Praise You God because You are with me. Declaring that this is okay. I was alright with it. I was going to be fine. I understand. I will seek You.

This mindset comes more naturally when practiced to be habit forming. After a few minutes I began to be able to sense the intense, concentrated pain slightly dissipate. I crawled into the house, sat up at the table and knew I was going to be alright. From where I was standing, this was a hurdle and He wanted to see how I was going to respond. At this time I was literally at the computer signing me and my husband up for the race. (Yes, I waited until the last day to do this, but that's beside the point!). I went out to count the gears on the bikes for registration purposes and this happens. Needless to say, I had one of the best times of my life riding 45 miles through the Austin hill country. It was a time of reflection and restoration. He fulfilled my hearts desire to ride! His heart IS tender!  Five x-rays and three weeks later I go back and forth with a limp having tendon and ligament damage, two children, two dogs, a cat and house to pick up after!  So, this slows me down.  I'm certain this is one of His points!  I continue to ask Him to walk me through it until I get to where He wants me to be.   I am thankful for His works.  If we do not turn to Him, how will we ever see Him working?

Bear in mind, I have learned sometimes seeing Him work comes from us exercising our patience...waiting....being still until otherwise prompted...this waiting period is hard work.  I'll even venture to say my least favorite work!  In the end though, this work bears fruit bringing forth new life!  And new life brings joy!

Right where we are, let us choose to be blessed today and give way to Him.  Afterall,  He is a faithful God who does no wrong! 

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