Beloved Sisters and Friends,
It's hard to believe this month is the one year anniversary of this sweet little blog's existence. I'll never forget sitting in the back row of a church service this time last year and God carefully dropped little nuggets in my lap of what He wanted me to do. He gave me the concept of a blog and the name Silver Lining.
I have had a special connection with each one of you individually. Please know that each one of you are prayed for, even those who don't sign in. Whether you come by name, or quietly, you are treasured and adored here.
Thank you for joining me these last twelve months as we discovered the Sovereign God in our midst, memorized Scriptures together that truly transformed our lives, and supported one another thru the battlefield. He is indeed the 'silver lining' to life as we know it.
This year finds me at another new beginning!! I am in the process of working on another venture. This venture will take time, prayer, and your support. I'm pumped about it! I have lots and lots to learn, but don't we all!
I hope this new year you're inspired to live more passionately for Christ, looking for Him in all things, in every dip in the road, in every high and low to your journey; allowing Him to turn your burdens into blessings and anguish into joy.
Together let's be mindful of God's grace and mercies.
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